
Back at the Watchtower

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They say things will never be the same...

Look who's finally here! On this page we'll describe how Mr. Lex adjusts to life in his new home. And how we adjust to life with him! We'll let you know how the kitties take to him and how we're all doing.

Watch Cats!

Looks like our newest member of the family has been accepted by all. Impulse and Spirit seem to have taken to the little guy. Impulse has kept Lex's room as his main stomping ground and Spirit checks in on things between naps.

Systems Check at the Watchtower

We've been home 24 hours now and things are beginning to shape up nicely. Mike & I have found ways to juggle sleep and work around the house so far. We think that thinks should calm down as the first week passes. We'll keep everyone updated as we go.

On Sale Now! (February 21st, 2007)

Daddy, Mommy & Lex made a stop today (2/27/07) at Modern Myths in Northampton, MA. He had a chance to meet Mike D. and the owner Jim. Daddy also picked up copies of the comics that were released on Lex's birth-day, so he'll be able to see what his Wednesday New Comic Day was like.

Krypto The Superdog #6 (of 6)
Cover by Scott Jeralds

Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News...

Today was Lex's first visit to Amherst Pediatrics. Lex saw Dr. Hickman with cool toy tool belt and everything. Lex was very good at his first visit, and had more issue with Mommy & Daddy then the staff. Dr. Hickman said Lex is doing well and they would like to check him on Friday to see if he is gaining the expected weight he should be gaining now.

All Around the Town

Mr. Lex has been making trips all around Western, MA. Popping in on friends of Mommy & Daddy, and has done some posh dinning when he is between naps. For Momma's birthday he went out with Uncle Kevin & Brent for dinner in Northampton, sleeping through the whole meal in a very busy (very loud) Asian place. Food was yummy, but the nap was sweeter.

Sleeping 101

Lex is of course not sleeping through the night, but is getting into his bedtime routine with Mommy's help. Bathtime, bottle, story & soft music. He's becoming a big boy so fast.

Sleeping 202

We're getting there. Lex has teased us with some full nights sleep, only to take it back the next night. He seems to understand that Momma doesn't function as well as Daddy does without sleep, and therefore makes sure to sleep from 7:45 PM to 6:45 AM on the nights that Momma should get up with him.

He has his bedtime routine down, and knows its time to say night-night (doesn't always like it but knows). Sunday mornings are made special by cuddling in bed with Momma & Daddy in the morning when he wakes up.

New Friends

Lex has made some new friends thanks to so many generous people. His friends are very interesting and have interesting personalities.

Nigel - the green big footed dinosaur that Lex meet when he was born.

Zod - The pink Brachiosaurus that wishes he could return to Australia for a walkabout or a tour in a pink bus!

Stedman - A light grean dinosaur rattle that Liz gave him.

Mr. John Merrick - The big blue elephant Nana Sandy gave Lex for Easter. We call him Mr. Merrick - yes it's very formal, but Lex likes it that way. (If you don't know he is named after The Elephant Man character in the 1980 biopic about Joseph Merrick).

Doc Ock - His newest friend comes from Megan, who I work with, he is just that and Octopus, but he isn't evil. He plays music when you squeeze his tentacles. He's bright green and very sweet.

Mr. Merrick at playtime